Doctor of Clinical Psychology | Fiction Author

2023. Another person has disappeared at Dead Man’s Cove in coastal Washington. Jaded from her job at the historic Irving Hotel, Zarya wanders to the scene of the tragedy. She has heard her Russian mother’s tales of rusalki—vengeful spirits that have died unclean deaths near a body of water—and never paid them much attention. But now, on a misty headland beside an abandoned lighthouse, Zarya locks eyes with the rusalka and is chosen to be the next victim. She must unearth the siren’s tragedy before Rusalka Week, a period in early summer when water-spirits roam freely on land.

1850. Josephine has just joined her newlywed husband in Washington, in the lighthouse erected by local businessman Hurley Irving. Marriage is not quite what she expected, and her melancholia grows over the course of the winter. The medic prescribes pregnancy as the antidote. What he doesn’t realize is how far Josephine is willing to go in order to become a mother.

Early one morning, in an old Romanian town known for its healing waters, eight-year-old Adela sees a witch outside her window. She rushes to tell her sister, a girl named Veronica who everyone says looks just like their dead grandmother. Together, the sisters embark on a fascination with witchcraft that follows them into adulthood. For a while, they seem to grow in opposite directions. Adela is haunted by night terrors, while Veronica is haunted by the legacy her grandmother left behind. Everyone says their grandmother was a cruel woman, and Veronica can tell she has more in common with the woman than just her looks. It is not until the sisters find themselves in a cave by the Celtic Sea that they discover the reason: there is a curse running through their family bloodline. In order to break it, they must dive into the past and learn from the mistakes of their ancestors.

Are we doomed to become like our forefathers and foremothers? Why is it that, once in a while, a child is born who bears an uncanny resemblance to a malevolent ancestor? The Curse in Their Veins explores what it means to break the intergenerational curse of narcissism. It weaves together Romanian culture, Paganism, sisterhood, Jungian psychology, and the sacred relationships between crones and granddaughters.

The Curse in Their Veins

Available Courses:

The Connection Course: Skills for Healthy Relationships

A 4+ hour guide to initiating, maintaining, and ending relationships using skills from renowned psychologists.


Goal Getter: The Mindset & Habits of Winners

A 2+ hour course on how to think and take action like a winner. Apply proven techniques to your own specific goal.



Check out my journaling workbooks!

  • To help in 75 different situations for emotion regulation, processing difficult interactions, achieving your goals, and more.

  • Uses positive psychology techniques to keep your life filled with connection, joy, beauty, productivity, and gratitude.

  • Achieve your goals using evidence-based practices like visualization, goal-setting, operant conditioning, and more.

  • Stay in tune with the seasonal and lunar cycles with this journal designed for the Northern Hemisphere.

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