The Connection Course

Skills for Healthy Relationships

Do you feel like the people around you have some unspoken "rulebook” for how to behave in relationships and no one wants to share it with you? Do you feel unfulfilled by the relationships in your life? Do you keep attracting the wrong people and not know where to find healthy relationships? If so, this course is for you.

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Lesson Plan:

PART I: Introduction

16 min + self-paced assignments

Lesson 1: Introduction

Lesson 2: Self-assessment

PART II: Foundational Skills of Healthy Relationships

2.5 hours + self-paced assignments

Lesson 3: The key tenets of a healthy relationship

Lesson 4: The 3 ingredients of love per Sternberg’s model

Lesson 5: When and how to initiate connection

Lesson 6: Healthy communication skills

Lesson 7: Emotion regulation skills

Lesson 8: Keeping your relationship positive

Lesson 9: Attachment style

PART III: Conflict Management

43 min + self-paced assignments

Lesson 10: Combatting the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse

Lesson 11: The 4 conflict styles

Lesson 12: Healthy conflict skills

PART IV: Ending Unhealthy Relationships

38.5 min + self-paced assignments

Lesson 13: Signs of an unhealthy or abusive relationship

Lesson 14: How to healthily end relationships

PART V: Conclusion

8.75 min + post-course quiz

Lesson 15: Summary


  • Homework assignments for each lesson

  • 20 pages worth of journaling worksheets and handouts

  • Post-course quiz

Here’s how course students answered the feedback form after completing The Connection Course:

Course Objectives

In this course, you will…

☑️ Gain a better understanding of your needs in a relationship

☑️ Differentiate between healthy, unhealthy & abusive relationships

☑️ Understand the three ingredients of love and how to cultivate them

☑️ Learn when and how to initiate deeper connection

☑️ Develop healthy communication skills

☑️ Make steps toward achieving a more secure attachment

☑️  Learn about healthy boundaries

☑️ Understand why and how to keep your relationship positive

☑️ Apply valuable emotion regulation skills

☑️ Learn the four relationship killers and their antidotes

☑️ Better understand your conflict style and ways to improve it

☑️ Skillfully navigate conflict

☑️ Learn how to healthily end a relationship that’s not working

What’s included?

4+ hours worth of lessons

15 lessons

20 pages worth of worksheets

Pre-course self-assessment

Post-course quiz

Relationships are everything.

Relationships are important whether we like it or not. They can be either our glimmers of joy throughout everyday life, or the knotted-up Christmas lights that have been gathering dust in the garage for a year. Unless you live in a secluded cabin with no internet access, you probably engage in relationships on a daily basis. Whether they are healthy and meaningful is another story.

But most of us aren’t taught how to have healthy relationships as part of school curriculum. We go through life picking partners based on factors that won’t result in greater happiness for us, we get triggered, we lack emotion regulation, and we don’t know when or how to end relationships. For the longest time, this was my story, too. Healthy relationship skills weren’t modeled or taught to me, and the relationships in my life needed work. 

This all changed when two things happened. First, I met my now-husband, and I got to see for the first time how effortlessly relationships can really unfold. The second shift took place during grad school. There, I learned all about the work of John Gottman, Robert Sternberg, Marsha Linehan, and other titans in our field. I absorbed as much information as possible about the skills required to have a healthy relational life. I began working with therapy clients who struggled with relationship issues of all kinds—boyfriends, girlfriends, friends, friends-with-benefits, family members, coworkers… I even chose relationships as the subject of my dissertation research, where I discovered all the things that weren’t working for college women in hookup culture.

This course is a comprehensive and concrete exploration of this topic. I have combined all the skills I’ve learned over the years in scientific, clinical, and personal contexts. I believe that the contents of this course should be taught to all people.

Unlike other relationship courses

There are a lot of “relationship courses” out there selling snake oil—or rather, instructional videos on how to manipulate people. Such courses will never lead to healthy, fulfilling relationships; they will only end up backfiring.

The Connection Course is different for a number of reasons:

  • It’s evidence-based. The lessons in this course are grounded in scientific literature on what makes relationships work and what makes them fail.

  • It’s backed by psychological training. I have been studying psychology for an entire decade. Even after obtaining my doctorate, I make sure to keep up with the latest research.

  • I did not always know the information in this course. I had to teach myself these skills, so I know how to teach them to others in a clear, concrete, and concise manner.